Anstruther Fish Bar stands as a cherished family venture, led by a team of over fifty passionate individuals. With a rich heritage rooted in generations of fishing tradition, the reins of this iconic establishment were recently passed to Anstruther natives Gary and Walker. Their stewardship marks an exciting new chapter for both families, as they uphold the legacy of this beloved eatery.
Gary and Walker, proud products of Anstruther’s community, are deeply honored to oversee a business that has garnered global recognition for their hometown. Anstruther Fish Bar transcends the typical “chippy” experience, drawing visitors from across the globe seeking something truly extraordinary.
Ownership of Anstruther Fish Bar is a testament to dedication, passion, expertise, and a profound reverence for local food sources and community values.
The family’s ties to fishing are profound, with Walker’s grandfather instrumental in establishing the Scottish Fisheries Museum in Anstruther. Additionally, a forebear played a pioneering role in transitioning fishing vessels from coal-fired to engine-powered in the East Neuk.
East Neuk fisherfolk had strong superstitions. Woe betide anyone who uttered the words ‘rat’, ‘salmon’ or ‘pig’ on-board! The acceptable replacements were ‘lang tail’, ‘red fish’ and ‘curly tail’.
Robert’s father David has published memoirs of his East Neuk childhood and long career at sea. ‘Argonaut: Memories of an East Neuk Skipper’ is available on Amazon in both printed and e-book formats.